Musculoskeletal Disorders
Musculoskeletal disorders are the single most important cause of disability, requiring considerable health and social service resources. Musculoskeletal conditions include conditions that affect joints (Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis etc..), bones (such as Osteoporosis, Osteopenia etc..) and muscles (sarcopenia etc..) the autoimmune rheumatic disorders, although much less common, cause significant morbidity and may be fatal if not recognized and treated early.
Skin Diseases
In the human body, the skin is the largest organ. Forming a major interface between man and his environment, it covers an area of approximately 2m and weighs about 4 kg. The structure of human skin is complex, consisting of a number of layers and tissue components with many important functions. Reactions may occure in any of the components of human skin and their clinical manifestation reflect, among the factors, the skin level in which they occure and some times act as a 'window' of systemic changes elsewhere in the body.
Lifestyle Disorders
These are charecterized by those disease which occures primarily due to the daily habits of people such as physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol, smoking etc.. as it can lead to heart disease, obesity, diabetes etc.
Ayurveda regimens can help a lot in preventing life style disorders.
Gynaecological Problem
Gynaecological disorders are charecterizred by any abnormality in the normal functions of female reproductive system including breasts. Some of the Gynaecological disorders are Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhoea,
Menorrhagia etc.
All these problem can be effectively treated by Ayurvedic formulations and treatments.
Allergic Conditions
The term allergy means hypersensitivity. It is defined as abnormal immune response to a chemical or physical agent (allergen). Common symptoms of allergy are sneezing, itching and skin rashes. Common allergic conditions are food allergy, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, urticaria etc.
The most common symptom of a stomach ulcer is burning pain in the abdomen.Apart from this there wil be indigestion, heart burn, acid reflux. Common cause include smoking, alcohol, stress, eating spicy food.
One can permanently cure stomach ulcer with the help of Ayurveda.
Preventive Healthcare
Health has been doctored as fundamental human right.
Health is influenced by number of factors, such as Physical environment (like air, soil, water etc..), food, housing, sanitation, life stytle etc. The provision of health care also embraces multitude of service provided to indviduals, families or communities. By the agents of health services or professions for the purpose of maintaining health.
Health also depends on immunity of particular individual, immunity is the capacity of body to resist pathogenic agents. It is the ability of body to resist the entry of different types of foreign bodies like bacteria, virus and toxic substances.
In Ayurveda there are many medications for maintaining immunity and restoration of health.
Kidney Stone
Symptoms of kidney stone include lower back ache, nausea, blood in urine, vomiting, fever. These stones vary in size and shape.
There are a variety of Ayurvedic formulations which helps in breaking renal calculi as well as preventing the formations of stones.
Respiratory Disease
Diseases of the Respiratory system accounts for up to a third of the deaths in most countries. Most patients with respiratory disease will present with breathlessness, cough, excess sputum, hemoptysis, wheeze or chest pain.
Ayurveda plays a major role in treating majority of Respiratory disease to the greatest possible point.